Motor-driven MOSFET: VDSS 25-100v; rdson 0.57-10.0mR
Battery-protected MOSFET: VDSS 25-100v; rdson 0.57-4.3 MR
46/2000 Charge-balanced MOSFET: VDSS 20-30v, RDSON & LT; 300mR
Voltage regulator diode
ESD: TVS diode 400-600w
At the beginning, PWM-driven brushless DC motor is used, motor-driven MOSFET must meet the needs of high peak current with low RDSON and good thermal impedance
MOSFET with strong linear-mode performance may be required to provide reverse battery protection if overload conditions reduce battery and gate voltages
MOSFET may need to meet the UL2595 and other specific spacing requirements,
Charge-balanced mosfets optimized for small size are typically housed in a removable battery pack -- one per battery