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AP1511 is a device specifically designed for IR Cut Removable (ICR).The driver IC of the meter is used to switch the infrared filter AP1511 units.There is a low saturation voltage bidirectional H-bridge driver circuit within establishing protective diodes to clear the feedback current generated by ICR, and Prevent damage caused by ESD.

The internal resistance of the bidirectional H-bridge driver circuit in AP1511 is less than 3Om, so the current required by the ICR module depends on the coil's Impedance Taking the working power supply of 5 volts as an example, when the internal coil current of ICR When the current exceeds 300mA, the H-bridge driving power in AP1511. The road will generate a voltage drop of 0.73V.

AP1511 is single line controlled and provides the function of One Shot operation.

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