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The TMP112B is a digital temperature sensor with  high-accuracy, low-power, and NTC/PTC thermistor replacements. It can be used for extended temperature measurement in communication, computer, consumer electronics,environmental, industrial and instrumentation applications. The TMP112B provides ≤ ±0.5°C temperature accuracy with good temperature linearity over the normal  operating range of -40°C to +125°C.The TMP112B can provide extended temperature measurement mode, extending  the temperature measurement range from -55°C to  +150°C. 

The rated working voltage range of the TMP112B is  1.4V~5.5V, and the maximum quiescent current in the  entire working rage is 10µA (temperature measurement  frequency 4Hz).The on-chip 12-bit ADC offers resolutions  down to 0.0625°C. 

The TMP112B adopts SOT563 is compatible with  SMBus and I2C interface, and allows up to four devices  on one bus. The device also features an SMBus alert function.

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